The ArticLion Group is a Norwegian Sustainable Business Venture merging sustainability with outstanding people.

ArticLion believe that Net Present Value is the Solutions that we can present today in order  to shape our future! 

The ArticLion way is to challenge traditional models by innovative and disruptive thinking.  We challenge old ideas and models with innovative ideas based on science in order to re shape and create better business solutions. 



Our Location

Fjordveien 1
1363 Høvik

Get In Touch

(+47) 980 77 626

Openning Hours

Opening Hours Mon-Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 4 p.m.

about us
“More businesses review their role in society, accepting a shared responsibility for our common future.”
Reidar Goffeng

Reaching sustainability is a shared responsibility! 

We now face two major challenges (Environmental and Public  Health) that needs to be solved by multiple initiatives and this forces us to move beyond the  traditional timeline of putting ideas to life. 

The urgent need to solve the long-term environmental challenges forming the future  of our children is a common, global responsibility. Each and one of us, even if we are represented through governments, ourselves as individuals, organizations or businesses, share a common interest in preserving and developing this planet as a place worth living.  

The thousands of business enterprises around the globe must now rise to claim their rightful place as role models in the process of regaining a global sustainability equilibrium. 

We believe in a set of universal values 

● Respect for intrinsic value of all living creatures 

● Encouragement for all cultures to thrive and co-exist 

● Our duty to hand over a planet in a better shape to our children